Monday, 10 March 2008

Our final piece

We really like our final piece!! we feel the music has worked well with the piece and like the way the footage flashes between the girl on the phone walking through town and the pictures. The way it speeds up half way through is also very effective!!We could have had more varied shots to help keep the viewers attention.


People's thoughts!

Hello again all=)

This is our finished product=) we hope you like.

We had 3 groups watch our piece in lesson and they answered 6 question, which were:
  1. What do you think of our titles?
  2. What are our weaknesses?
  3. Do you understand the plot?
  4. What are our strengths?
  5. Anything you would add as an extra?
  6. Overall marks out of 10
First groups answers:
  1. Could Be more subtle-good idea, nice effects on camera
  2. Too repetitive, slightly obvious, music a bit too sinister-still good though.
  3. Yes
  4. Nice effects-good shots, cool idea
  5. Would not have pictures of Britney or any other famous people, would add other shots.
  6. 7
Second groups answers:
  1. Pretty good, liked the fonts that we used
  2. A bit repetitive, music didn't always fit
  3. We think so, the person with the camera has an obsession with attractive blonde woman.
  4. There were some nice shots, it was edited very well.
  5. Would have included more shots, different angles & more sinister footage.
  6. 7
Third group answers:
  1. Quite subtle, focusing more on the acting
  2. Carries on a bit too long
  3. The blonde girl is being stalked, photographer has "thing" for blondes
  4. Angles are good, not too much drama
  5. N/A
  6. 10
Thank you 2nd and 3rd group=)<3.
Keep it gansta';
The girls xxxx